Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tyson Foods goes high-tech in China with quick response smartphone code

Imagine picking up a pack of chicken drumsticks at the supermarket and scanning it with your iPhone to see exactly where the bird was slaughtered and when the meat arrived in the store cooler. For Chinese shoppers, chastened by years of food safety scares, that's now a reality.

Tyson Foods has added to some of its chicken products a quick response code that can be scanned with a smartphone. The company, which supplies one of every five pounds of meat eaten at home, has international ambitions. In China, that means trying to entice consumers for whom the provenance of their food matters a great deal.

While Americans generally buy their meat from grocery stores, Chinese traditionally go to the local market. Many are still used to buying just-slaughtered chicken that's still warm.

Bloomberg News

Source: Tyson Foods goes high-tech in China with quick response smartphone code

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