Times are changing and in the smartphone market they change quickly. If you wanted to buy an Android device three years ago you had the choice between manufacturers like Samsung, Sony, LG and HTC. Chinese smartphones were usually out of the question. The devices were considered cheap replicas of famous brands with poor hardware on board. In addition to this, the importation fees were high.
But that has changed. With reasonable prices and better equipped devices, Chinese smartphone manufacturers like Xiaomi and Huawei are becoming real alternatives to Samsung and LG products. The Chinese manufacturer Huawei already sells smartphones in the US with top hardware and reasonable prices. Xiaomi phones are available through import dealers.

Xiaomi was founded in 2010 as a startup and already presented its flagship Mi 5 at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona this year. In our tests with the device we were impressed with the hardware and the price vs its competition. The smallest model with 32 GB internal memory and 3 GB RAM costs around $480. In comparison, the LG G5 costs around $780.
My colleague, Eric Herrmann, recently wrote that the Lenovo ZUK Z1 had a big battery and top-notch software. The Chinese manufacturer has developed a powerful smartphone that costs only $330. More Chinese manufacturers with top smartphones are Oppo and Meizu.

More examples of Chinese manufacturers with top smartphones can be found in our best Chinese smartphones list.
Now we want to know what you think about this shift to Chinese brands. Take part in our survey and write your opinion in the comments. We will publish the full results of the poll next week.
Source: Poll: Chinese phones or Samsung, LG, Sony and HTC
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