Sunday, September 18, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones ‘catch fire’ in China

by Press Association, 19 Sep 2016 06:58

Samsung has announced a recall of some phones in China, but says that other Note 7 sales will continue (AP)

Two Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones have reportedly caught fire in China in what, if confirmed, would be the first such incidents in that country.

A user of Chinese social media posted messages on Sunday saying a friend's Note 7 caught fire over the weekend.

And South Korean and Chinese news reports said a second Note 7 user reported that a phone exploded on Sunday.

Samsung has announced a recall for some phones in China.

But it says other sales will go ahead because the Note 7 sold in China uses a different battery from those linked to problems elsewhere.

Samsung did not respond to emails seeking comment.


Source: Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones 'catch fire' in China

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