Sunday, October 9, 2016

Report: Samsung Temporarily Halts Production of Note 7 Smartphones

South Korean media say electronics conglomerate Samsung has suspended production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, following reports of fires in replacement devices.

The South Korean news agency Yonhap quoted an unnamed source at a Samsung supplier Monday as saying the work stoppage on the Note 7 was done in cooperation with consumer safety regulators from South Korea, the United States and China.

"This measure includes a Samsung plant in Vietnam that is responsible for global shipments [of the Galaxy Note 7]," the source was quoted as saying.

Samsung did not immediately comment on the Yonhap report.

The Note 7 recall and Samsung's handling of incidents have left the company facing its biggest crisis in years. The South Korean tech giant has been dogged by problems with the Note 7 catching fire since its release in August. The electronics firm confirmed the battery cell in the model was faulty and recalled 2.5 million phones in September, but media reports said the replacements were also catching fire.

Multiple pictures of the charred phones have been posted on social media, with their owners claiming the devices had randomly caught fire.

Last week, a Southwest Airlines flight was evacuated when a replacement Note 7 began smoking.

Source: Report: Samsung Temporarily Halts Production of Note 7 Smartphones

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