Saturday, October 29, 2016

Top 5 smartphone makers of Q3 2016 in China – Oppo, Vivo, Huawei, and others

Chinese smartphone market saw a huge surge in sales in the third quarter of 2016, selling a total of 123 million units, which is 15 percent growth over the corresponding period last year. As expected, major Chinese smartphone makers -- Oppo, Vivo, Huawei and Xiaomi -- dominate the local market with 59 percent market share.

IHS Research analyst Kevin Wang has shared top smartphone manufacturers in Chinese market in Q3 2016 via Weibo. According to the new list, Oppo has replaced Huawei, which topped the chart in Q1 and Q2 2016, to become the top selling company. It sold 22 million units amounting to 18 percent growth.

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Vivo is in the second place with 19 million units sale figure and 16 percent growth, and Huawei has been pushed to the third position after registering 15 percent growth by selling 18 million units, down from the 32 million units sold in Q2. Xiaomi is in the fourth position with 10 percent growth and sales of 12 million units, down from 15.22 million units sold in Q2, and Apple Inc. stands fifth in the chart with 11 million units sales, which is nine percent growth.

The emergence of Chinese companies in the world's smartphone market is very much visible with many of them having a phenomenal growth in the last couple of year.

According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) findings, two major smartphone makers -- Apple and Samsung -- have witnessed a sharp fall in its sales, but some Chinese smartphone manufacturers has over 100 percent growth in Q3 2016.

Huawei has put up a 23 percent growth in Q3 2016 (year on year), while Oppo has made a whopping 121.6 percent growth and Vivo 102.5 percent, according to the IDC Q3 2016 finding.

Source: Top 5 smartphone makers of Q3 2016 in China – Oppo, Vivo, Huawei, and others

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