Wednesday, March 30, 2016

China's Xi arrives in Prague en route to the US

President Xi Jinping's historic visit to the Czech Republic is expected to "renew and energize" bilateral ties, with more than 20 agreements expected to be signed.

During the talks, the two presidents discussed issues concerning bilateral ties, China-EU relations as well as cooperation between China and the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries, reaching broad consensus.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has ended his visit to the Czech Republic and is now headed to United States to attend a nuclear security summit in Washington.

Zeman, a 71-year-old pro-Russian leftwinger, was the only European head of state to attend a military parade in Beijing commemorating Japan's surrender at the end of World War II.

The two sides took their relationship a step further on Tuesday, inking a strategic partnership.

An unknown suspect defaced dozens of Chinese flags on a main airport road with black paint on Saturday, and human rights activists planned demonstrations.

On a previous 2014 trip, Zeman said he had come to China to "learn how to increase economic growth and how to stabilise society" rather than "teach market economy or human rights " .

Tension was also high on the political scene in the wake of an interview that President Miloš Zeman gave to China's CCTV news on the eve of the high-profile visit in which he claimed that the former right-wing government was to blame for the poor state of Czech-Chinese relations.

The Czech Republic is committed to becoming a gateway for China to the European Union and a hub of transportation, logistics and finance, he said.

China's President Xi Jinping and his Czech counterpart Milos Zeman signed an agreement on a strategic partnership on Tuesday, meant to step up business ties and investments.

"As the Czech Republic is part of the European Union, the EU can not be something that would exert pressure on us from the outside".

But his recent remarks on the visit drew an angry reaction from opposition figures, with former finance minister Miroslav Kalousek, an MP for the rightwing TOP 09 party, denouncing them as "repulsive " .

Xi said the two countries had a responsibility to renew their long-standing friendship. He told CTK it was his government that made a U-turn to a more pragmatic policy in relation to China.

Babis, a billionaire who owns the giant Agrofert chemical, food-processing and media holding, said Zeman's statements meant to him that "the Czech Republic finally started understanding foreign policy as a means to meet economic interests, which was not usual before". In addition, the two countries have agreed to establish a renminbi clearing center in the Czech Republic.

South Africa's lion called 'Sylvester' escapes from reserve againMr Varty said he would build a 1,000-hectare sanctuary especially for him and introduce female lions to Sylvester's territory. The lion ranged widely in the arid, sparsely populated area in his last escape, covering about 185 miles (300 kilometers).

Source: China's Xi arrives in Prague en route to the US

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