Sunday, July 9, 2017

Female Student In China Uses Her Long Legs To Cheat On Exams





We're pretty sure at least once in your life you've found ways to cheat during your exams right? Remember the days where you wrote notes and tried to hid it around your pencil case, or even inside your sweater and probably using phones?

There were so many methods back in the days, and even now there still is.

This accountant student from China recently shared about how her classmate cheats during her exam and managed to ace all her papers. Guess what is her secret? She used her super long legs.

She writes her notes all over her long thighs, wears a long maxi dress to cover it all. How genius, because clearly lecturers or teachers can't check under your skirt. 

The post went viral all over social media, with users leaving up to 22,000 comments on it. Her post read, 'I burst out laughing, literally. This is how my classmate cheats on her exams! Exams is never an easy test, right? Hahahaha, hope this post will make her famous!' according to Daily Mail UK.

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As you can see in the image below, this student wrote all her notes on her right thigh, and used it to cheat for her accounting exam. One of the user commented,

 "it is just simple debits and credits bookkeeping".


Cheat Exam


The student was showing her leg with markings of revision notes on the thigh area in China

Debits and credits bookkeeping: A full example of bookkeeping was clearly noted on her leg

Source: Daily Mail UK

We better hope her teachers don't see this, or else she's probably going to have to withdraw her cert. LOL!

Source: Female Student In China Uses Her Long Legs To Cheat On Exams

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