Monday, July 10, 2017

KFC China's new musical smartphone ad will haunt your dreams

Something feels off.

KFC China have teamed up with tech firm Huawei to release a limited edition smartphone for mega fans, branded with the Colonel's globally recognisable mug, as well as a music app to celebrate 30 years in the Chinese market for both companies.

But there's something not quite right about their ad campaign, which essentially takes a cool idea and transforms it into something deeply uncool – eerie, even.

The app "K-music", launched to coincide with the smartphone release, works like a digital jukebox, allowing users to play songs of their choosing over the speakers at more than 4000 KFC outlets throughout the country.

And while the notion of a booze-soaked late-night KFC run in which we get to control the tunes is by all accounts awesome, there's nothing remotely "hip" about the company's ad for the phone app.

The commercial begins with a group of teens busting out a creepy surprise rendition of "Happy Birthday" in store, culminating in a party better suited for five-year-olds. It goes on to feature an awkward Romeo's attempt at wooing a young lady with his naff music selection and over-the-top-dance moves. This, sir, is how exactly no one wants to be wooed.

At best, the weird ditties and Stepford wife-esque faux joy will leave you seriously creeped out or cringing; at worst, it's absurdly out of touch with young people and actually turns a cool techy concept into something dorky and juvenile.

Check it out in the clip above, or click here for the full ad.

The fire-engine-red phone also features the year "1987" stamped on the case – signifying the year both KFC and Huawei opened their first store in China. KFC's marketing exec Steven Li spoke of the collaboration as "a homage to the era,"Campaign Asia-Pacific reports, which may at least explain all the daggy '80s nostalgia.

Source: KFC China's new musical smartphone ad will haunt your dreams

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